Tuesday, 21 May 2013


46 Rue du Bac, 75007 Paris, France.
Telef. +33 1 42 22 30 07
m.     10:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00
T.      10:00-19:00
w.      10:00-19:00
T.      10:00-19:00
v.      10:00-19:00
S.      10:00-19:00
S.      Closed
station: Rue du Bac

Since 1831, Deyrolle offers to Nature lovers and professionals, schools, universities, museums, scientific or medical centers, materials for natural science such as zoology, botanic, mineralogy, conchiliology, teaching apparatus of many sorts as well as insects and shells collections, mounted animals of many kind, natural wonders and collection pieces.
The principle of Deyrolle was always to bring to human nature the sence of observation and description : ‘an image is worth a thousand words’, so If one want to protect nature, one has to know it, understand it and overcome the cycles of reproduction of species as well.
In february 2008, a terrible fire severely damaged the Cabinets of Curiosities (also known as Wunderkammer or wonder-rooms) as well as the entomology room and a large part of the historical collections. Deyrolle was saved because of the extraordinary enthusiasm of so many of its fan including Hermes, numerous artists that worldwide contributed to realise piece artwork for an auction done by Christie’s last November. As a result, the entomology room has been opened during the fall 2009.
Today, the store is as beautiful as ever, with still collection of large mammals, magnificent mounted birds and other beautiful and astonishing natural wonders.
In http://www.deyrolle.fr/magazine/spip.php?rubrique93

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